Areas of Service for Emmaus
We welcome and encourage your participation in our Emmaus Weekends. Your help is needed to make the experience one that will bless and have a lasting effect on all the pilgrims. Prayer is very important in every aspect of the Emmaus Walk and commitment is also needed. Please pray and ask God to lead you in the areas that you choose to serve on each walk. God’s timing is always right!
Sponsoring a Pilgrim
A great way to support Emmaus is to sponsor a pilgrim. Prayer and careful consideration before selecting a pilgrim to sponsor is extremely important. Please do not push anyone to come to an Emmaus weekend before they are ready. Let God be your guide in approaching someone for sponsorship. Be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and you will be blessed to be part of a wonderful experience for others.
Duties of a Sponsor include:
- Praying for your pilgrim before and during the walk.
- Answering any questions that the pilgrim might have about the walk before hand.
- Bringing your pilgrim to Send-Off and 4th Day.
- Attending Sponsor Hour.
- Collecting letters for your pilgrim.
- Making sure any concerns of your pilgrim are taken care of during your pilgrims walk so they do not have to worry about those they left at home.
- Attending candlelight and closing.
- Sponsors submit an application for their pilgrim to the Emmaus Registrar. Their contact info is listed on each application. Both the sponsor and the applicant will receive a confirmation letter that he/she is accepted for a walk. It is important to reply and confirm back to that letter that your applicant is indeed coming to that walk.
CLICK HERE for a convenient form with suggestions for Sponsors and a cut off portion for your pilgrims with suggestions of items that they might want to bring.
Set Up/Take Down
One of the first areas of sharing agape love with the team and the pilgrims is to assist with Set Up/Take Down. This is a very important part of the weekend and one that is often overlooked. People are needed to help with bringing the mattresses to the church, breaking down the rooms and setting them up for the walk, bringing supplies up from the storage room and also breaking down and repacking everything on Sunday.
This area of service is demanding and often thankless because you are behind the scenes making the way easy for those who follow behind you. It is rewarding in knowing that you are vital to the success of the weekend. You take part in beginning the walk with great form and sacrifice and lay a foundation for the whole weekend for service given with a sincere and open heart of agape love.
Set Up begins on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. Come earlier if you can assist with getting the mattresses from storage. Take Down begins at 6am on Sunday mornings. Call any of the current Set-Up/Take-Down board reps for more information. You do not have to volunteer for both set up and take down. One or the other is very much appreciated.
CLICK HERE for a list of your current board members.
Agape is a very busy area of service. Your help is needed to fill all the needs of Agape!! Food, drinks, water, fruits, vegetables and dips are needed for every walk and any home-made item is always popular!
Volunteers are also needed to help Agape with the Saturday night events, with setting up candlelight, and with packing up supplies after 12 noon on Sunday.
Agape gifts and banners are also needed. If you or your reunion group can supply some of these, please try to have them at the walk early so the Agape Team can be ready for the weekend.
CLICK HERE to get contact info for your current Agape Board Reps
Volunteers are also needed to help serve & prepare meals for each walk. Pans of brownies and banana pudding are also gratefully accepted! If you can serve any meal, please be at the church 15-20 minutes beforehand to assist with setting up drinks and such.
CLICK HERE for a list of your current Kitchen Board Reps.
Meal Times:
- Breakfast: 8:00 am Friday thru Sunday
- Lunch: 12:30 pm on Friday & Saturday; 12 noon on Sunday
- Dinner: 5:30 pm on Friday; 5:45 pm on Saturday
Entertainment / Emcee’s
Emmaus needs your talents for Entertainment or as an emcee. We know there is a lot of unused talent out there and we want to know who you are! We are always looking for new ways to give you opportunities to serve at Emmaus.
If you have a heart for music, singing or dance, or if you have the gift of gab and love to tell a joke, please contact your current Entertainment Board Rep.
Prayer Vigil / Prayer Chapel
Prayer Charts are set up for each walk. Your Prayers are very much coveted for the weekends! Prayer opens the heavens and lets God’s blessings pour down. Things happen at Emmaus because you pray!!
You can sign up for a slot yourself on our web site by clicking on the “Prayer Vigil” Link or by contacting the Prayer Vigil Board Reps and they will do it for you. The Prayer Chapel is also open for you to pray anytime on-site for each walk.
CLICK HERE for your Prayer Vigil Board Reps
Attending the Activities of the Weekend (we need you there!)
- Sendoff: 7:00 pm Thursday evening
- Sponsor Hour: 7:30 pm Thursday evening
- Community Gathering: 8:30 pm Saturday night
- Candlelight Service: 9:45 pm Saturday night
- Closing: 4:30 pm Sunday evening
Serving as a Team Member
Serving on each Emmaus Team is always rewarding and a great blessing. Sharing your talents, gifts and testimonies are a great way to help others to experience a great weekend. If you are interested in serving on a walk, please fill out a volunteer form from our web site. Our community has grown so large that filling out the volunteer forms is the best way to keep letting us know that you are interested in serving on a team. You are also welcome at the team selections which occur once or twice a year. Please contact any current board member for more information on team selections.
Serving as a Board Member
A very important aspect of service to Emmaus of the Cumberlands is serving as a board member. This requires dedication and commitment. You are required to attend meetings, gatherings and candlelight services. Board meetings are held almost every month. You are responsible for every aspect of the Emmaus Walks and will be assigned duties each year to help keep Emmaus running smoothly. It is a rewarding area of service but it does demand time and energy.
Board Members are elected each year in December and will serve for three years. Please pray about this very important part of Emmaus. All board members need your prayers and support to do the best job they possibly can. If you are interested in serving as a board member or if you know someone who would be, please contact any current board member or send us an email through the Emmaus web site. Board Nominations are taken up to December 1st each year. We need your input to fill these very important seats. Please be in prayer for your board and all the decisions that they must make.