Caminata a Emaús

Si usted pueda leer esto, Emmaus lo necesita!
If you are able to speak and understand both English and Spanish — WE NEED YOU!


Emmaus of the Cumberlands is offering Emmaus Weekend Walks designed specifically for the Spanish-speaking residents of Tennessee’s Upper Cumberland Region!

Our goal is to present the Emmaus Weekend to the Pilgrims in the “language of their soul”, which is not an easy task for a primarily English-speaking Emmaus Community such as ours.

Others have joined in our effort with great enthusiasm. Emmaus members from the International Division of the Upper Room, the Nashville Emmaus Community, and other Communities have joined in our efforts–making it possible for us to assemble the required Bilingual Teams.

Our Weekend Leaders and Team Members have demonstrated true servants’ hearts with a sincere desire to extend the Emmaus Movement to those who sometimes see themselves as strangers in a strange land.

If you are a member of the Emmaus of the Cumberlands Community, have a spirit of servanthood, and are bilingual, please contact the Emmaus Registrar TODAY!

If you are interested in the Men’s and Women’s Spanish Walks, please contact Registration


Emmaus Walks in Español

Here in America we celebrate Memorial Day to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the security and freedom of our great nation–this “land of opportunity.” During this most recent Memorial Day Weekend, the Emmaus of the Cumberlands Community hosted an historical Men’s Walk #53 en Espanol–Tennessee’s first Emmaus Walk to be presented in the Spanish language. This Walk and our Women’s Walk #54, were designed to bless those who have come from Spanish-speaking nations in search of a better life for their families. Some will stay in America—others will return to their homeland. In either event, our hope and prayer is that they will become stronger in their Christian walk and be better able to serve Christ in their homes, their workplace, their church and community.

The vision for this momentous event was planted in the heart of Rev. Miguel Carpizo and his wife, Paula more than two years ago. As this vision began to mature, Rev. Carpizo shared his desire with Donald Stockton, who was at that time Lay Director for our Emmaus Community. Donald brought Miguel’s request before the Emmaus Board, the Board hooked up with the vision, and the rest is history.

After many months, even years, of planning and preparation, our Community, with the help and grace of God, assembled a bilingual Emmaus Team whose members truly have a heart for the Hispanic culture. The Upper Room’s International Office joined in and was very supportive of our endeavor. Without a doubt, God found favor in our undertaking, keeping His hand upon us every step of the way. With a great deal of prayer, and under the esteemed leadership of Don Ragland and Miguel Carpizo, (Weekend Lay Leader and Spiritual Director respectively), many lives were changed that weekend and Holy Spirit sealed for all eternity.

During the three-day weekend, it was amazing to see God move in the lives of the Pilgrims, Team Members, the volunteers, and yes, even those who traveled from other Emmaus Communities to take part in the weekend events. The Closing Ceremony was “proof positive” that the Holy Spirit of God had been and continued to be in our midst. Tears flowed as one-by-one the Pilgrims shared from the depth of their heart what they had experienced during this 72-hour Walk with God. These men were so open and honest, and so very trusting at the close of their weekend—different from what had been observed during the early part of the Walk.

Our Women’s Walk #54 en Espanol, under the lay leadership of Jackie Ragland, was held as scheduled and proved to be as much a blessing as the Men’s Walk. Many spoke at Closing of how deeply they had experienced God’s love and how the difference in language had posed no problem for them. The pilgrims were eager to learn specific English words and phrases, the most popular of which were, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” and “I love you, I love you, I love you!”

Not only were our teams blessed to have two very qualified Interpreters, but also, we had been provided with transmitters and headphones for our use during the weekend. Was there a language barrier during these weekends? The general response from those involved would be a resounding, “What language barrier?” Aside from the logistics of the translation process, we learned that when we follow God’s great commandment to love one another, and when we speak from our heart, a universal language comes forth—the language of love—a language understood by every nation and tongue, from generation to generation.

Let our prayer be that God will search our hearts, and if He finds racial prejudice or cultural bias within us, that He will reveal it to us, that we may confront those issues and deal personally with the Father, One-on-one. Lord, help us to love one another and bind us together–every nation, every tongue, every color, every people.

Dios te bendiga! (God bless you!)

Becky Miller, Community Lay Director 2006


Cross-Cultural Training

Please check back as future sessions are scheduled.

These sessions are open to all Emmaus Community Members who plan to serve during the weekends in the Kitchen or Agape, and for those who plan to attend Candlelight Service and Closing.

During these training sessions we will learn about the heritage, culture and religious background of the Spanish-speaking people.